Symptoms of Soul Loss, and the Magic Portal to Real Happiness

If your soul is calling you, whispering in your ear that it’s time to really blossom, consider that everything you need for happiness and fulfillment is within your heart.

The challenge, however, when we’ve experienced pain, trauma, loss, and fear, is that we might feel stuck or shut down. We might feel overwhelmed, or that we can’t grow beyond the same old patterns, or the same old self-sabotaging fears and negativity. We might doubt our worth – feeling not good enough. We might find that our heart feels closed to receiving or giving love. We may feel the emptiness of addiction, and the loneliness of disconnection.

These states can be symptoms of soul loss.

In shamanic terms, when people have been hurt or traumatized, a part of their soul, their consciousness, disconnects to survive the pain. When this happens, we can go numb and unconscious. We can have difficulty feeling our feelings, especially feeling the innately natural state of joy. The traumas of childhood and past lives can keep us feeling stuck. unable to fully integrate the painful or confusing circumstances of the past so we can move forward with the flow of life.

In order to integrate the difficult experiences, we need a higher vibration – a Higher Power – to intercede and reconnect us to these fragmented parts of our self, so that our soul can blossom with it’s radiant, natural Light.

What we need might be a shamanic soul retrieval of disconnected consciousness, and extraction of the blocking energy of unprocessed hurt. A shamanic practitioner is a channel for higher energies to shift the stuck energy and restore adults, children, and animals to greater inner peace, health, joy, and spiritual empowerment.

I’ve been doing this shamanic soul retrieval and extraction work for over 26 years. It is truly miraculous.

Each session is unique to the receiver, In these sessions, people are brought more consciously into present time, with more clarity and more heart opening. Heavy loads of the past are lifted. Relationships change, self-awareness increases, abundance flows more fully, and best of all, people become more centered in their heart and more fully embodied.

The heart is where it’s at, my friends. It’s the magic portal to real happiness, no matter what is happening in the external world. And we know how much negativity is drenching our collective consciousness. Working on expressing the beauty, compassion, kindness, creativity, and wisdom of your heart is the biggest gift you can give to the world. Empowering yourself to be happy will benefit all of us.

With deep gratitude for the spiritual warrior that you are!



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